Dr.alajeel .A / Added Videos

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Muslims in America

Muslims in America 

Enjoy watching this video to know more about the Muslim communities in America, their lifestyles, their impact on American communities, how they practice their religious
An Islamic History of Europe

An Islamic History of Europe 

This evocative film brings to life a time when emirs and caliphs dominated Spain and Sicily and Islamic scholarship swept into the major cities of
Spotlight on Islamic Finance

Spotlight on Islamic Finance 

Islamic finance refers to a set of rulings that are consistent with the principles of the Shari`ah (Islamic rulings) and its practical application through the
World Converts to Islam 2010

World Converts to Islam 2010 

Enjoy watching this video that includes numerous people from different cultures and nationalities entering Islam gladly and with their own accord.
An 85 Year Old American Embracing Islam

An 85 Year Old American 

Enjoy watching the story of that old new Muslims whom Allah has blessed with guidance, and helped him find the truth in the religion of
5 Reputable Paper Writing Services

5 Reputable Paper Writing Services 

A paper writing service is a great option for students with lots of homework to be completed. They’re dependable by numerous customers and highly suggested.