Tag: prophet jesus

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Famous Singer Chooses Islam

Famous Singer Chooses Islam 

Abdullah Rolle who worked with many famous artists left the Music business after a long time of feeling that he was missing something deeper in
The Moral Principles behind Belief in the Messengers of God

The Moral Principles behind Belief 

In this video, Sheikh Bilal Philips talks about good manners as being part and parcel of the Muslim character derived essentially from his creed.
Why Are Hispanics Embracing Islam?

Why Are Hispanics Embracing Islam? 

A story about a Latino Puerto Rican who went from being a gang member and living the street life and then losing his close friends
New Muslim Convert Gives Great Advice

New Muslim Convert Gives Great 

This is some great advice from James an 85 year old man who has been though war (war 2) and has seen many things in
Was Muhammad Mentioned in the Bible?

Was Muhammad Mentioned in the 

Enjoy watching this video to know more about the prediction of Prophet Muhammad in the Bible.