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How God Is the Most merciful, Most Loving?

How God Is the Most 

How Allah is a God of love? How merciful is Allah? Where could this love and mercy be found and seen?
Belief in the Divine Books

Belief in the Divine Books 

In this video, Sheikh Abdur-Raheem Green talks about the belief in the divine books and explains the importance that the books of the previous Prophets
Story of Prophet Ayyub

Story of Prophet Ayyub 

Watch the story of Prophet Ayyub and his wife and how they underwent all the troubles without showing any weariness or dissatisfaction.
The Need for Religion Across History

The Need for Religion Across 

Do not miss watching this video that discusses the issue of the need for religion across history and reviews the idea of God in the
What Is the Source of the Qur’an?

What Is the Source of 

Enjoy watching this interesting video to know more about the Qur'an and its source as well as the miraculous scientific facts determined by the Qur'an.
Who Are Ahl As-Sunnah wa Al-Jama`ah?

Who Are Ahl As-Sunnah wa 

Enjoy watching this interesting video by brother Waleed Basyouni in which he explains the terms of Ahl As-Sunnah wa Al-Jama`ah.
A Brief Guide to Islam

A Brief Guide to Islam 

What is Islam? What do Muslims believe? What is the Quran? What is the Sunnah? What are the six articles of the Islamic faith? What
What Are the Most Important Questions in Your Life?

What Are the Most Important 

1- Who is your God? 2- What is your religion? 3- Who is your Prophet? Have you prepared an answer to these 3 questions?
What Are the Beauties of Islam?

What Are the Beauties of 

It is only Islam, the last divine message to the people, that is able to remove this confusion and quench this spiritual thirst. Watch this
Why Should We Surrender to God?

Why Should We Surrender to 

Should we question God about His will for us? Does surrendering to the will of God contradict the concept of free will? Are we held
What Is the Meaning of the Word Islam?

What Is the Meaning of 

What is the concept of surrender? Who is a Muslim? What does it mean to submit one's will to God (Allah)? Watch this video to
Who Is Allah?

Who Is Allah? 

Can the word Allah be translated? How many religions did God send? Did the Prophet come with different religions? Watch this video to know the
Is Islam the Religion of Truth?

Is Islam the Religion of 

Have you ever asked yourself: why are you Muslim, and not Christian of Jew? How many would answer that...
Belief in Allah

Belief in Allah 

Does God get tired?Does God have any weaknesses? Is God similar to anybody?Watch this short video to find the answer to all these questions.
The Second Article of Muslim Faith: Belief in Angels

The Second Article of Muslim 

What is the second article of the Muslim faith? Can the Angels see us? Can we see the Angels? Watch this video to know the
The Third Article of Muslim Faith: Belief in Revealed Books of Allah

The Third Article of Muslim 

What do Muslims believe about the previous Scriptures? Why did not God preserve the previous Books? What is the last revelation sent by God to
The Fourth Article of Muslim Faith: Belief in Prophets and Messengers of Allah

The Fourth Article of Muslim 

What do Muslims believe about the Prophets of God? Do Muslims believe in Adam? Watch this video to know the answer to all these questions.
The Fifth Article of Muslim Faith: Belief in the Day of Judgment

The Fifth Article of Muslim 

What are the sings of the Day of Judgement? What will happen in the Day of Judgement? Watch this short video to know the answer
The Sixth Article of Muslim Faith: Belief in Destiny and Divine Decree

The Sixth Article of Muslim 

Originally posted 2024-06-13 09:27:38. By Editorial Staff The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him ) said: “How wonderful is the case of a believer;
The First Pillar of Islam: The Testimony of Faith “the Shahadah”

The First Pillar of Islam: 

What is the first pillar of Islam? What is the Shahadah? How to become a Muslim? Who is a Muslim? Watch this video to know
The Second Pillar of Islam: The Prayer

The Second Pillar of Islam: 

What is the significance of prayer? What are the benefits of prayer? Watch this short video to know the answer to these questions.