
Great Interview X Christian Minister

Added by on 27/12/2023

In this episode, Former Youth Minister Joshua Evans tells us how he embraced Islam after in depth search of the Bible. Then, he advises those who criticize Islam to learn about Islam through its sources not through the orientalists writings.

In this episode, Former Youth Minister Joshua Evans tells us how he embraced Islam after in depth search of the Bible. Then, he advises those who criticize Islam to learn about Islam through its sources not through the orientalists writings. Afterwards, he confirms that Muslims should show they worship Allah, the creator, because some people know something else.

 In his own words: “I was raised by my grandparents in Greenville, South Carolina in a very strict Methodist home. In my teenage years, I became very involved in the church and was studying at a small Bible college in my hometown with the intention of eventually enrolling in Bob Jones University. I was learning to read the Bible in Hebrew and Greek and was very interested in textual criticism of the Bible. It was during these years of intense Bible study that I read the Bible cover to cover a half a dozen times. In doing so, I realized there were many inconsistencies and contradictions. not only in the text, but in the message preached by Jesus himself and what I had been taught all my life based on the writings of Paul. I then realized the Bible was not the inerrant Word of God as I had always been taught. I eventually left Christianity and searched for the truth about God elsewhere. I studied every religion from Judaism to Buddhism, Wicca to Bushido. While many religions had certain truths to them, they had major tenants or flaws I could not accept. And none gave me the absolute tangeable proof I was looking for. All praise is due to God, one day I found myself talking with a young Muslim who invited me to jumuah, the Friday service and congregational prayer. When I saw the Muslims praying, bowing and prostrating with their heads on the floor, all the verses of the Bible describing the prayer of the prophets came flooding back to me. I asked for a copy of the Quran, read it from cover to cover in three days, found my tangeable proof, and the rest (as they say) is history”.

Yusha currently works as a full time caller to Islam and has traveled extensively conducting Da`wah workshops and calling people to Islam. He has studied under numerous teachers in the U.S and egypt. His website :

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