Tag: Repentance

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Are All Afflictions Because of What Your Hands Have Earned?

Are All Afflictions Because of 

Are all afflictions that befall us because of what your hands have earned? How can we reconciliate between the human belief and what Allah has
A Great Word that Wipes Away All Sins

A Great Word that Wipes 

Learn about the word that is so powerful that it wipes away all sins, no matter how great; a great word to hold dear and
It’s the End that Counts!

It’s the End that Counts! 

It’s the end that counts! It’s the outcome that counts! - according to your own free will – you had been given the ability to
This Righteous Person Beseeches Allah Through This Door

This Righteous Person Beseeches Allah 

Listen to this video to know about this righteous person who beseeches and supplicates to Allah through this door; the door of mercy
Sins like Mountains

Sins like Mountains 

We have been created with desires, but any desire we have been provided with can be lawful or prohibited. As man is held accountable, he…
Save Yourself

Save Yourself 

If you figure out the reason you are created for, you do the right actions and if you do you will achieve happiness and security
Reward of Non-Muslims’ Good Deeds

Reward of Non-Muslims’ Good Deeds 

The Prophet said, “Whenever a non-Muslim does a good deed in this life, he will be rewarded accordingly in the life of this world.”