
Why Jorge Garcia Accepted Islam?

Added by on 24/11/2023

In this video by the DeenShow, Eddie makes an interview with Jorge to find out why he chose Islam as his way of life and what was it about Islam that over took him and had him surrender and submit to the Creator of All.

Why does a person enter Islam? This question is very important because it reveals to us the reasons that drive a person to abandon his religion and embrace another one. The new convert is blessed with a sense that one who is born Muslim may not feel. It is the sense of the change to guidance after being lost in the gloominess of disbelief.

In this video by the DeenShow, Eddie makes an interview with Jorge to find out why he chose Islam as his way of life and what was it about Islam that over took him and had him surrender and submit to the Creator of All.

Enjoy watching this Episode in which Jorge Garcia shares with the viewers the story of how he came to Islam.

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