
Why Did Baba Ali Accept Islam?

Added by on 22/04/2024

How did Baba `Ali find Islam? What stages did he go through? How does it feel being a Muslim now? How is his life as a new Muslim now?

By Editorial Staff

Who is Baba Ali? How was his life before Islam, and why did he choose Islam?

Baba Ali, formerly a Wiccan, went through many faces in his life. When his father was on his deathbed, Baba Ali realized that life is short and that he has to take his search for the truth more seriously. Baba Ali is now a Muslim.

How exactly did he find Islam? What stages did he go through? How does it feel being a Muslim now? How is his life as a new Muslim now?

How was he ‘enlightened’ about Islam?

Watch him here as he narrates his journey into Islam…


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