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History of Muslims in New Zealand

History of Muslims in New 

Muslims are as much a part of New Zealand's history as European Christians. Watch this short video to know more about the history of Muslims
Muslim Demography

Muslim Demography 

Islam is the predominant religion in the Middle East, in northern Africa, and in some parts of Asia. Large communities of Muslims are also found
Muslims in America

Muslims in America 

Enjoy watching this video to know more about the Muslim communities in America, their lifestyles, their impact on American communities, how they practice their religious
What Is the Future of the World’s Religions?

What Is the Future of 

The religious profile of the world is rapidly changing, driven primarily by differences in fertility rates and the size of youth populations among the world’s
Heightening Spirituality through Mastery of Science

Heightening Spirituality through Mastery of 

In this video, Dr. Salah gives a big meal of information about the connection between Islam and science that everyone needs to be aware of.
NBC NEWS: 20000 Americans Convert to Islam Each Year

NBC NEWS: 20000 Americans Convert 

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years.
When the Moors Ruled in Europe

When the Moors Ruled in 

This fascinating documentary explodes old stereotypes and offers shocking new insights. You’ll discover the ingenious mathematics behind Granada’s dazzling Alhambra Palace, trace El Cid’s lineage
Spotlight on Islamic Finance

Spotlight on Islamic Finance 

Originally posted 2023-10-16 09:51:43. Islamic finance refers to a set of rulings that are consistent with the principles of the Shari`ah (Islamic rulings) and its
An Islamic History of Europe

An Islamic History of Europe 

This evocative film brings to life a time when emirs and caliphs dominated Spain and Sicily and Islamic scholarship swept into the major cities of
The Gift of Prayer

The Gift of Prayer 

The well-being of a servant depends on prayer. One's success in all his affairs; in both internal and external aspects of life depends on it.
A Message from the Islamic World

A Message from the Islamic 

There’s a message from the Islamic World we need to convey to the West about the uprightness, purity, and righteousness of Muslims
A Great Word that Wipes Away All Sins

A Great Word that Wipes 

Learn about the word that is so powerful that it wipes away all sins, no matter how great; a great word to hold dear and
The Happiest Moments for the Believer

The Happiest Moments for the 

The happiest and dearest moments for the believer are when death approaches them. After this time, the believer will have no more distress
The Story of Julaybeeb

The Story of Julaybeeb 

Julaybeeb was a companion of the Prophet (peace be upon him) who was ugly that women didn't want him as a husband, but he was
The Wrongdoer Will Bite on His Hands

The Wrongdoer Will Bite on 

Beware of the day the wrongdoer will bite on his hands; befriend those who are the best among people and break away from bad friends
Who Is the Fool?

Who Is the Fool? 

Watch this video to learn more about the fool who comes into this world and leaves empty-handed except that he ate, drank, slept and had
This Righteous Person Beseeches Allah Through This Door

This Righteous Person Beseeches Allah 

Listen to this video to know about this righteous person who beseeches and supplicates to Allah through this door; the door of mercy
Divine Love: The Purest and Most Sincere Love

Divine Love: The Purest and 

There’s no sincerer, purer, or higher love than the love of Allah (Exalted be He). And a servant who sincerely loves Allah, Allah loves him
Sins like Mountains

Sins like Mountains 

We have been created with desires, but any desire we have been provided with can be lawful or prohibited. As man is held accountable, he…
Self is Like a Child

Self is Like a Child 

The human soul is just like a child; if you discipline it, the soul will become upright, and if you neglect it, the soul will
Deviation in Western Countries (Part 2)

Deviation in Western Countries (Part 

In each country, there’re still some good people, there’re still some discipline people, there’re still some moral ones. What I’m talking about is the vast