
Morality in Islam

Added by on 21/04/2024

In this video, brother Yassir Fazzaga speaker talks about the meanings of the concepts of morality and immorality and explains the blessings of morality and the bad consequences of immorality.

By Editorial Staff

The whole issue of morality is of an extreme importance now. What makes morality important is the following:

Morality is the set of rules, values and principles through which or by which we choose to govern ourselves determining what is right, what is wrong, what should be done, what is not to be done, what can we do and what are we supposed to abstain from.

In this video, brother Yassir Fazzaga talks about the meanings of the concepts of morality and immorality and explains the blessings of morality and the bad consequences of immorality.

How can we decide something as moral and other thing as immoral, and where do we get our morality from?

These and similar questions regarding morality in Islam are fully answered in this interesting video.

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