
Is There Any Proof for Darwinian Evolution?

Added by on 04/01/2024

We do not want something to be accepted by faith, we want it to be observable.

Darwinian Evolution

Can anyone give us one example of observable evidence of the change of kinds? We do not want something to be accepted by faith, we want it to be observable.

“Live science” says of Darwinian evolution it can turn dinosaurs into birds, apes into humans and amphibious mammals into whales. But the scientific method is based on “the collection of data through observation and extermination” Science daily.

We are condemned to live only for few decades and that is too slow, too small time scales to see evolution going on.” Richard Dawkins.

We see nothing of these slow changes in progress until the hand of time has marked the lapse of ages …” Charles Darwin

So the question rises here is that: Can anyone give us one example of observable evidence of the change of kinds? We do not want something to be accepted by faith, we want it to be observable.

Watch this short video to know how atheists responded to this question.

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