
Paradise in Islam

Added by on 28/12/2023

Enjoy watching this video by Sheikh Nouman Ali Khan talking about Paradise and Hellfire, the punishment and reward, in this life and the hereafter, according to the texts of revelation.


Enjoy watching this video by Sheikh Nouman Ali Khan talking about Paradise and Hellfire, the punishment and reward, in this life and the hereafter, according to the texts of revelation.

The concept of reward and punishment in Islam is highly appreciated owing to its significance for the believer who opts to relinquish a lot of pleasures and desires either for fear of the severe punishment in the hellfire or in hope of the paradise in the hereafter. A great amount of Qur’anic verses have elaborated on the reality of both things and considered believing in them a part of one’s faith in Islam.

In addition, the revealed texts as regarding punishment or reward pictured them fully and cautioned the believer from the numerous types of torture in the Hellfire awaiting the one who commits sins and prohibitions. On the other hand, the Qur’an and Hadith detailed the pleasures and delights of the Paradise in order to thrill the hearts of the devout and drive them towards the straight bath of Islam.

Enjoy watching this video by Sheikh Nouman Ali Khan talking about Paradise and Hellfire, the punishment and reward, in this life and the hereafter, according to the texts of revelation. It is so interesting and stirs the hearts towards the eternal bliss in the afterlife.

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