Tag: Islam

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Islam Is the Fitrah

Islam Is the Fitrah 

“So direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth. (Adhere to) the fitrah of Allah upon which He has created (all) people. (Quran 30:30)
Good Tidings for You

Good Tidings for You 

This life is a test; and there’re stages, degrees (in positions), and obstacles. Allah (Exalted be He) looks at our deeds Then, He sees us
Does Islam Care for the Environment?

Does Islam Care for the 

How does Islam view the sanctity of earth? What is Islam’s take in ecological issues?To know the answer to these questions, watch this show of
What Is the Stance of Islam Regarding Terrorism?

What Is the Stance of 

In this show Eddie and Dr Sabeel have a nice friendly Dialogue with Frank From the Frank Avila Show. He asks some questions about Islam
Islam in Women Not Women in Islam

Islam in Women Not Women 

In spite of the great propaganda about the status of women in Islam, the rate of women embracing Islam is higher than the rate of
Women Rights in Islam

Women Rights in Islam 

Islam raised the level of women, and allocated for them, as men, equal rights and responsibilities that take into account the nature of humankind. Women
Dr. Jerald F. Dirks, a Christian Minister, Converts to Islam (Part 1)

Dr. Jerald F. Dirks, a 

He is on the DeenShow this week to share his story on Why he accept Islam, the last religion revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be
Who Are the Celebrities Who Converted to Islam?

Who Are the Celebrities Who 

The video includes a number of notable people who converted to Islam from a different religion or no religion.
Dialogue between a Believer and an Atheist on Why We Need Religion

Dialogue between a Believer and 

Look at the world's problems, poverty, wars, suicide, unjustified killing, madness, etc. Do we trust man's reason which caused all this mass destruction? Why do
Islam: Empire of Faith

Islam: Empire of Faith 

This documentary redresses the balance by showing the riches of Islamic culture and the vital role played by Islam in preserving and building upon ancient
Muhammad: The Most Influential Man in History

Muhammad: The Most Influential Man 

This video is about the book of "The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History" whose author puts the Prophet Muhammad (peace
What Is the Status of Hijab in Islam?

What Is the Status of 

The Hijab
Is Islam the Religion of Truth?

Is Islam the Religion of 

Have you ever asked yourself: why are you Muslim, and not Christian of Jew? How many would answer that...
Muslims in America

Muslims in America 

Enjoy watching this video to know more about the Muslim communities in America, their lifestyles, their impact on American communities, how they practice their religious
The Absolute Truth about Muhammad in the Bible

The Absolute Truth about Muhammad 

There are exact verses in the Old Testament and New Testament referring clearly to Prophet Muhammad and that he is the last of Allah's Prophets.
Allah’s Praise of Prophet Muhammad

Allah’s Praise of Prophet Muhammad 

In this short video, the speaker talks about the praise of Allah upon the Prophet Muhammad as shown in one of the short chapters of
Why Did Baba Ali Accept Islam?

Why Did Baba Ali Accept 

How did Baba `Ali find Islam? What stages did he go through? How does it feel being a Muslim now? How is his life as
What Does Islam Say about Dealing with Non-Muslims?

What Does Islam Say about 

Does Islam prohibit Muslims from dealing with or befriending non-Muslims; Jews or Christians? Isn't there a verse in the Qur’an telling Muslims not to take
Sonny Bill Williams: “Islam Has Made Me a Lot Happier”

Sonny Bill Williams: “Islam Has 

When asked about what the Muslim faith has done for him and what it has given him, the world's best Rugby Player Sonny Bill Williams
What Is the Future of the World’s Religions?

What Is the Future of 

The religious profile of the world is rapidly changing, driven primarily by differences in fertility rates and the size of youth populations among the world’s
Liverpool FC Footballer Sadio Mane Cleaning the Mosque Toilets and Wudu Area in Liverpool

Liverpool FC Footballer Sadio Mane 

On September 3 and after scoring at Leicester, the Liverpool Muslim star and the Singalese winger, Sadio Mane has been filmed cleaning the bathroom and