Tag: patience

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Are All Afflictions Because of What Your Hands Have Earned?

Are All Afflictions Because of 

Are all afflictions that befall us because of what your hands have earned? How can we reconciliate between the human belief and what Allah has
A Message for Everyone Who Endures Affliction

A Message for Everyone Who 

Everyone who endures his affliction with patience for them are glad tidings, and this is a comfort to those who endure affliction with patience.
The Real Reason of Calamities

The Real Reason of Calamities 

If Allah afflicts one with calamities like poverty, earthquakes or storms or mass poverty, what could alleviate them? How can they feel content with Allah?
Affliction Is Our Destiny: Tests of Life

Affliction Is Our Destiny: Tests 

Misconceptions, trials and calamities have become inescapable. The most accurate explanation of this is that the unshakable faith is only strengthened by challenges