
Why Are We Tested in This Life?

Added by on 23/02/2024

Enjoy watching this video by Sheikh Mufti Menk in which he shows us how to pass the tests of this life to finally gain the pleasure and promise of God.

By Editorial Staff

Almighty Allah says,

Do the people think that they will be left to say, “We believe” and they will not be tried? But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars. (Al-`Ankabut 29:2-3)

And We will surely test you until We make evident those who strive among you [for the cause of Allah ] and the patient, and We will test your affairs. (Muhammad 47:31)

Life is the field of tests. Everything in this life is a test for you; your work, properties, couple, children, health or sickness, poorness or richness, occupancy or leisure, etc. is a means of testing. Almighty Allah has made this temporary life as an introduction to the eternal life after death. The latter one is contingent on the former, which is already a field of tests. If you succeed to pass these tests, you will enjoy a pleasant life and if you fail, it is, unfortunately hell or otherwise God may forgive. This is simply the straight equation of this life.

Almighty God has created man for an ultimate goal, namely to worship God, in the broad meaning of worship. God has promised those who bravely fulfill this goal and overcome the obstacles that obstruct their way that they will remain in eternal bliss in the heavens. However, those who are trapped in the snares of Satan and take the other way of misguidance, they are in fact heading fast towards the hell. A paradise-seeker should know that paradise is invaluable and its way is fraught with many hindrances, such as the evil desires, Satan, plots of wrongdoers and prohibited matters. These things are embellished by Satan and one’s fancy in addition to the cost of leading a God-pleasing way of life which involves a straight lifestyle in which one’s freedom to act is limited by the commands and prohibitions of God, which is the core of the meaning of the tests of life.

Enjoy watching this video by Sheikh Mufti Menk in which he shows us how to pass the tests of this life to finally gain the pleasure and promise of God.


Source: Reminders From Mufti Menk Youtube Channel

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