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Why Did the British Scientist, Arthur J. Ellison, Revert to Islam? (1/10)

Why Did the British Scientist, 

At the end of the closing session, Arthur J. Ellison takes the podium and, to the surprise of everyone; he declares his reversion to Islam.
Fasting, Materialism and Time Management

Fasting, Materialism and Time Management 

Enjoy watching this video by Imam Suhaib Webb offering Ramadan advice to Zaytuna Summer Arabic Intensive students on fasting, materialism and time management.
The Rise of Islam in Japan

The Rise of Islam in 

Watch this video to know more about the rise of Islam in Jaban, the East Asian country and how it’s practiced in the busy daily
Islam in America: The Christian Truth

Islam in America: The Christian 

This documentary clearly shows how Muslims on the ground are; how they are truly peace loving, responsible members of society who bring culture and beauty
The Descent of Jesus Christ

The Descent of Jesus Christ 

Enjoy watching this video by Dr. Bilal Philips to know more about Jesus, his status in Islam, his crucifixion and his descent to the earth.
How the Prophet Welcomed Ramadan

How the Prophet Welcomed Ramadan 

What did Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) do to prepare for Ramadan? What du`aa’ did he use to say? And what did he say
Bilal Philips: My Way to Islam

Bilal Philips: My Way to 

Who is your God? How did you find Him? What are His words? Who is His final Messenger, from his time to the end of
Look Forward, Get Ready for Ramadan

Look Forward, Get Ready for 

How can I prepare for Ramadan, make this Ramadan a landmark in my life? Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem gives precious practical tips to help you get
From Christianity to Islam…Dr. Jimmy Jones

From Christianity to Islam…Dr. Jimmy 

What do you know about Dr. Jimmy Jones? How did he find his way into Islam? And how did he become an active prominent Imam
The Truth about Prophet Muhammad

The Truth about Prophet Muhammad 

The amazing character of Muhammad is a lasting example for all to follow. Muslims everywhere model their lives upon his behavior, from prayer to politics,
How to Find Happiness

How to Find Happiness 

True happiness does not mean having many belongings or possessing a lot of wealth. But true happiness is the contentment of the heart and richness
Lower Your Gaze from Females!

Lower Your Gaze from Females! 

In this short video, Sheikh Mufti Menk talks about the significance and benefits of lowering the gaze from women.
Paradise in Islam

Paradise in Islam 

Enjoy watching this video by Sheikh Nouman Ali Khan talking about Paradise and Hellfire, the punishment and reward, in this life and the hereafter, according
The Absolute Truth about Muhammad in the Bible

The Absolute Truth about Muhammad 

There are exact verses in the Old Testament and New Testament referring clearly to Prophet Muhammad and that he is the last of Allah's Prophets.
How Yvonne Ridley Became a Muslim

How Yvonne Ridley Became a 

Watch this video to know how former Taliban captive, Yvonne Ridley, converted to Islam.
Islam in Women Not Women in Islam

Islam in Women Not Women 

In spite of the great propaganda about the status of women in Islam, the rate of women embracing Islam is higher than the rate of
Why Did Yusuf Estes Accept Islam?

Why Did Yusuf Estes Accept 

When people see the truth of Islam, it can change them if they want to be guided. If they want the truth, it can change
Islam and Slavery

Islam and Slavery 

Enjoy watching this video that sheds light on the issue of slavery and gives you a better understanding of how slaves were treated in the
The Story of Prophet Dawud

The Story of Prophet Dawud 

Enjoy watching this video which touches on some of the sides of the Prophet Dawud’s life and tells us about amazing stories in his life.
Islam Is the Fitrah

Islam Is the Fitrah 

“So direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth. (Adhere to) the fitrah of Allah upon which He has created (all) people. (Quran 30:30)
NBC NEWS: 20000 Americans Convert to Islam Each Year

NBC NEWS: 20000 Americans Convert 

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years.