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Islam in America: The Christian Truth

Islam in America: The Christian 

This documentary clearly shows how Muslims on the ground are; how they are truly peace loving, responsible members of society who bring culture and beauty
Family Comes First, Islam Says

Family Comes First, Islam Says 

How should a Muslim deal with their family members? How did the Prophet cared for his own family? What kind of family members are we
Islam Responds to Boston Bombing

Islam Responds to Boston Bombing 

How do we, Muslims, see the Boston bombing? What’s our response to such tragic event? What does Islam say about such horrible events?
Prophet Muhammad on the Night Journey

Prophet Muhammad on the Night 

What do you know about the Prophet’s miraculous Night Journey Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj? From where was he physically taken, and where to?
How God Is the Most merciful, Most Loving?

How God Is the Most 

How Allah is a God of love? How merciful is Allah? Where could this love and mercy be found and seen?
The Facets of Islam: Brotherhood

The Facets of Islam: Brotherhood 

Are all people, even those of other religions, considered brothers to Muslims? How does the Qur’an translate that meaning?
From Christianity to Islam…Dr. Jimmy Jones

From Christianity to Islam…Dr. Jimmy 

What do you know about Dr. Jimmy Jones? How did he find his way into Islam? And how did he become an active prominent Imam
This is Our Prophet Muhammad

This is Our Prophet Muhammad 

Do you know of a man hated, pursued to be killed by his enemies and still be trusted with the money and property of those
The Whys Behind ‘The Lies about Muhammad’

The Whys Behind ‘The Lies 

Have you read or even heard about ‘The Lies about Muhammad’? Why should every Muslim and non-Muslim read the book “The Lies about Muhammad’?
Men and Women in Islam: Who Is Preferred?

Men and Women in Islam: 

Is there something better than worldwide called for ‘Gender Equality’? On ‘equality between men and women’, Islam provides something far better than just equality.
On Celebrating Al-Israa and Al-Miraj

On Celebrating Al-Israa and Al-Miraj 

Should Muslims celebrate Al-Israa and Al-Miraj? What did happen on that night? When was that night; which date definitely?