
What Is the Stance of Islam Regarding Terrorism?

Added by on 29/06/2024

In this show Eddie and Dr Sabeel have a nice friendly Dialogue with Frank From the Frank Avila Show. He asks some questions about Islam and its being associated with terrorism and also some questions about women in Islam and other things.

Originally posted 2019-03-23 02:40:57.

By Editorial Staff

Islam has been associated with terrorism and violence due to the actions of a few extreme individuals as well as the hostile propaganda made against Islam.

To understand Islam’s stance on terrorism, one must refer to its original sources, the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which are explicit in their prohibition of any form of injustice against the other. 

The Quran turns our attention to the high value of human life, whether it is Muslim or Non-Muslim and makes it absolutely forbidden to take an innocent life unjustly. 

In this show Eddie and Dr Sabeel have a nice friendly Dialogue with Frank From the Frank Avila Show. He asks some questions about Islam and its being associated with terrorism and also some questions about women in Islam and other things.

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